General Best Practices for Electrode Pad Usage

Here are just a handful of best practice tips to get the most out of your electrode pads:

  • Be sure that the skin is clean first before use. The skin has natural oils, which can affect the adhesive surface of pads, so be sure clean the area to be treated with soap and water, or a cotton swab moistened with rubbing alcohol and dry thoroughly before applying the pads.
  • If using the pads on a part of the body with a lot of hair, be sure to remove any loose hairs before applying the pads. It is advisable to remove the hair from the area when possible to extend the life of the gel adhesive.
  • The conductive gel adhesive is water-based. If it becomes saturated (e.g. from perspiration), it will lose its adhesive qualities. In this case, after use, leave the pads face-up overnight to dry out.
  • After a number of uses, the pads will likely become dry and lose adhesion. To extend the life of the pads, moisten the adhesive surface with a few drops of tens gel (ultrasound gel) or water, and reattach the pads to the plastic film overnight. This procedure will extend the life of the pads significantly.
  • Replace the pads onto plastic film after each use. If the pads drop onto the floor, or come into contact with any other surface besides your skin and the plastic holder, debris will adhere to the conductive gel, rendering the electrodes less effective.
  • For those electrode pads with pre-attached wires (or pigtails), DO NOT PULL ON THE WIRE. Doing so may cause damage or destroy the pad. The proper method of removal is to grasp the edge of the electrode and lift it from the liner or the skin.
  • Always return the pads to the release side of their liner and store in the storage bag. Store in a cool, dry place, avoiding exposure of the gel to light, heat and humidity
  • Always check the electrode pads gel for adhesiveness prior to use. If the gel does not readily adhere to a gentle touch of your fingertip, rub a drop of electrode gel on the surface and repeat until the surface has been completely re-hydrated.


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